Hi there,

I'm Megumi

I'm a Frontend Software Engineer with a strong passion for building web applications with great user experiences.

Here's a bit more about me.

Here are some of my projects

  • ASA Vancouver official

    React, JavaScript, Contentful, HTML, and CSS

    Dynamic website using contentful to create, read, updateand delete the data.

  • ASA Vancouver Membership

    React, JavaScript, Firebase, HTML, and CSS

    Implemented authentication and CRUD using Firebase. Deploy with Netlify as a subdirectory of ASA Vancouver official.

  • ASA Vancouver Admin page

    React, JavaScript, Firebase, HTML, and CSS

    Asmin page for ASA membership to manage users, teachers and contents using firebase.

  • Cocktail Recipe

    React, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS

    Fetched data from cocktaildb to let users discover cokctaikl recipe and save their favorite recipes

  • Hulu Clone

    Next.js, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, HTML

    Fetched data from TMDB API to allow users to choose movies by categories and some additional information about the movie. Fully responsive movie app using Next.js, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, and HTML best practices